CAS Technologies L.L.C

Welcome to CAS Technologies L.L.C., where we specialize in empowering critical power infrastructure with innovative solutions tailored to your needs. Join us as we explore how our advanced technologies and expertise can ensure the uninterrupted operation of your vital systems.

Advanced Power Quality Solutions

From surge protection to harmonic mitigation, our advanced technologies safeguard your critical equipment against electrical disturbances, ensuring smooth operations and prolonging the lifespan of your assets.

Installation and Integration

We handle every aspect of the installation process, seamlessly integrating our solutions into your infrastructure with minimal disruption to your operations.

Remote Monitoring and Maintenance

Our cutting-edge monitoring systems allow us to remotely monitor the health of your critical power infrastructure, enabling proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime.


UPS System Maintenance

Across multiple government organizations, many are plagued with failed, failing UPS systems that directly impact mission support and capabilities. With growing demand of sensitive electronic equipment needed to perform mission supporting roles ……

Our Missions

We articulate our fundamental missions, meticulously crafted to pursue distinct objectives that resonate with the ethos and aspirations of our organization. Each mission is meticulously designed to align seamlessly with our core values and overarching strategic goals, ensuring a concerted effort towards fostering meaningful impact and sustainable growth.

IT Backup System Support & Training

Provide technical support and training for battery back up systems supporting IT infrastructure.

UPS Maintenance & Replacement

Maintain, repair, and replace items such as desktop UPS and rack mounted UPS systems.

Advanced UPS for Redundancy & Security

Maintain most up to date battery and IT UPS solutions to support highest degree of power redundancy as well as security.

Areas of Responsibility

we delineate the specific domains under our purview, each crucial for the seamless functioning and reliability of our power infrastructure. From the meticulous management of data/server rooms to the vigilant maintenance of rack-mounted and desktop UPS systems, we ensure a comprehensive approach to fulfilling our responsibilities. Additionally, we establish clear demarcation points to delineate our scope of work, emphasizing our commitment to excellence and precision in all endeavors.

Data/Server Room

  • Management and upkeep of data/server room infrastructure.

Rack Mount UPS Systems

  • Maintenance and monitoring of rack-mounted UPS systems.

Desktop Individual UPS Systems

  • Oversight and support for individual desktop UPS systems.

Demarcation Point

  • Responsibility extends from power supply (Receptacle) to the unit.
  • Technicians focus solely on unit maintenance within this demarcation.
  • Load supported is not within Battery/UPS Specialist’s purview.
  • For power concerns, consult certified electrician.